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Absolute Zero Paintball- Camo

         When playing paintball, your camouflage just might be your greatest advantage. There are many ways to play paintball, many different environments. I play out in the woods on private land, while many players play on fields or indoors. The style of play that I use and the tactics I use are all based around my camouflage. There are many different kinds or camouflage, and this section of the site is where I will go over them.

           I will start with the brand of camo I use: Advantage Camo. There are three patterns that Advantage is available in, here they are. I use Advantage classic; the one on your left.

            These camos are made to fool the eye by appearing to be part of the foreground. Other camo patterns, like the BDUs that the army uses are made to blend in with the background. Another popular type of camo like those seem here is RealTree camo. RealTree makes the eye think the camo is part of the foreground; a tree. Advantage camo appears as the forest floor.

-------------See and learn all about my camouflage suit here-------------